2024 ALS Walk for Life

Join us as we walk to end ALS!
Join us as we walk to end ALS!


Our team is supporting the ALS Walk for Life because we believe in supporting the research towards a cure for ALS and PLS. Following the diagnosis of Bryan Caspersen in the summer of 2018, we are excited to be a part of the Les Turner ALS Foundation family. Although we continue to face the debilitating realities of what PLS means for Bryan, we know that as a family, as Team CasperCan, we can face anything, together. Join us as we support Bryan and one another in this journey.

Thank you for your support and please, if you would like to come participate in this year's Walk for Life, let one of our team members know!

To learn more about ALS or the Les Turner ALS Foundation, please visit lesturnerals.org.




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