Walk for Hope. Walk for Help. Walk for Life.
It’s hard to believe this disease has struck our family yet again. Earlier this year, my mom was diagnosed with ALS. Her onset type (limb) tends to progress slower than Martha’s onset type (bulbar). We’re hoping and praying for that!
In 2019, we had robust team, and would love nothing more than to have that again this year! We will be walking in honor of my mom, as TEAM PRINCESS MARE. Of course, we will always walk in memory of Martha.
This walk is the Les Turner ALS Foundation’s only official fundraiser this year. If you are able, please donate, so they can continue to offer their incredible and vital support. If you create a personal page when you sign up, there is an option to share it with friends/family, via Facebook, e-mail, text, etc.
We will be ordering TEAM PRINCESS MARE T-shirts. More details to come.
Click on the picture, which is the link to join our team! I’m always here to answer any questions you may have.
My mom is an absolute warrior and she will fight with all of her might!
Continued thanks for all of your love and support. We love you!
Trish, Mare & Dan

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